I am an Aspie Girl: A book for young girls with autism spectrum conditions

I am an Aspie Girl: A book for young girls with autism spectrum conditions

Hardcover – April 21, 2015
21 Apr

Lizzie is an Aspie Girl - she has Asperger's Syndrome, which means that her brain works differently to her friends, and even to boys with Asperger Syndrome. In this book, Lizzie explains what it's like to be an Aspie Girl, including how she has a special talent for blending in with her friends, how she gets really tired after being at school all day, how she worries about making mistakes, and how she finds it hard to understand how she is feeling.

By simply, clearly and positively explaining the social differences associated with Asperger's Syndrome, or Autism Spectrum Disorder, in young girls, this book will help Aspie Girls aged 5-11 to understand their diagnosis, recognise their unique strengths and celebrate their differences, and find ways of coping with difficulties. This positive and celebratory book also contains helpful discussion points for parents and professionals to explore further with the girls in their care.

Reviews (74)

This book is a God send!!

This book is PERFECTION!! My 8-year-old daughter was just diagnosed with High Functioning Autism, and I had no idea how to tell her. I really wanted to make sure that we focused on the strengths, but that it also helped her understand why certain things are harder for her. We got this book today and I read it to her...this book could have been written about her specifically...it perfectly summed up what HFA means for young girls. It made the process of telling and explaining her diagnosis SO EASY!!! I recommend this book for ANYONE looking to tell their young lady about their diagnosis, or even to have other family members read to help them understand. She has placed it on a special place on the bookshelf, and says that she will re-read it any time she feels alone. THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS!!!!

It speaks to your Aspie girl and she knows you *get* her.

I didn't know quite what was different about my daughter until she entered Kindergarten. This book helped me understand ways to help her feel better about her differences, to help her cope, to help others understand as well. It can help friends, teachers, caregivers understand and respond better. When I read it to her for the first time, indescribable JOY danced across her face because some of the pages were *so* HER. Aspergers, "Aspie", high functioning autistic -- finding the way to help your child unlock their potential -- that's what this book is to me. It's "the tip of the iceberg" and a good starting point.. I recommend it for anyone who cares for, teaches or loves an Aspie Girl.

This book is a godsend.

This book is a godsend. My 15-year-old daughter was recently diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger Profile. Most of the resources available are either a bit to old for her or geared towards the symptoms that boys exhibit. Even thought this is targeted towards a younger child, my daughter tends to be "young at heart" (as many Aspie girls are) and she found this book very relatable. She was able to appreciate both the illustrated story and the parents pages in the back. My daughter exhibits every single characteristic discussed in this book and after reading it, she really felt understood. We plan to use this book to help her grandparents and extended family understand her diagnosis. It's perfect for a layperson in that it is concise, comprehensive, and easy to understand.

Cute book about aspergers/asd for girls

Cute book about Aspergers for girls. My five-year-old daughter has been quoting from it when a situation reminds her of the book, like when loud noises bother her. I definitely recommend for parents taking an open and honest approach with their children from a young age. Only reason I gave four instead of five stars was because I would have preferred more specific examples in some cases.

Great book

I recently discovered our 8yo is autistic and wanted a way to explain it to her. This book was great, simple and to the point and described my daughter to a T.

A very good book for your daughter

My Aspie daughter identified with this straight away. All through the book she would say, oh I do that, or I am like that. She really loved the book and I think it really helps her. I really good way for an Aspie girl to be able to read about and identify themselves and know that others are like her too. I highly recommend this book for your daughter

It does a wonderful job explaining Asperger's

My daughter loves this book. It does a wonderful job explaining Asperger's. She relates to it and likes the questions they ask. She just wished it had some answers to help her more.

Great for all ages

As an adult on the spectrum I really enjoyed this book.

book about what it's like to be a girl on the Autism Spectrum

A very cute, and accurate, book about what it's like to be a girl on the Autism Spectrum. I'm so happy to see a book that is just for girls. So much of the information out there only focuses on boys. I love the positive approach this book takes. My daughter loves it!

Every Parent and Educator who works with Aspie Girls Needs to know about this resource!

This is an amazing resource for girls, families, teachers. So positive and also so many great and simple explanations of a myriad of feelings and reactions to life.

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